Monday, May 5, 2008

Tooth Fairy

Aimee lost a tooth yesterday at Ryan's. We put it under the pillow and guess what?

MOMMA forgot! I felt HORRIBLE but I just plain forgot.

So, I told her that the tooth fairy doesn't work on Sunday's because it's a day of rest. I mean, what else could I say? I don't want to spoil it for her at this age. And technically, the tooth fairy (which is ME) doesn't work on Sundays! So, no lies there.

I did call my friend who works at the dentist office and told her about the situation. Aimee has to go get her teeth cleaned today so she is going to stick to the story if it is mentioned.

So FYI, OUR tooth fairy does not work on Sundays! Other days, she does.....I have GOT to remember that tooth tonight!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh my word, girl - this story totally made my day! That is too funny!

Off subject, but my friends parents used to tell them that if the ice cream mans music was playing that meant he was all out of ice cream ... so she never got any growing up ...