Sunday, June 10, 2007

Hit my goal!

I started losing weight about 2 years ago. I would work at it very good for a while and then I would stop. I kept doing this for a while but these past 3 months I decided to buck up and go for it.

So, I weighed today and I have hit my first mini goal!!! I have lost 40 pounds! I am so excited. I went to the store today and bought 2 new dresses. It was so nice to be able to not have to go to the plus sizes.

I am not eating as much as I have in the past. I still struggle with the fruits and water because I don't have much of an appetite. I still go work out about 4-5 times a week for 45 minutes to an hour. I need to do more strength training but I don't really like to do that so I haven't been doing it much.

We booked a cruise for December and my next goal is to be 20 pounds lighter. That gives me about 6 months to lose 20 more pounds. I can do it!

1 comment:

Gioietta said...

Woohoo! That is great Renee! So excited for you :) That is inspiring for me and I am glad to know that you didn't give up even if it has been longer than a few months. One day at a time, I try to remember that everyday I start new and work hard on that. That is so exciting about your cruise too. Love, Miriam (HP)