Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Well, the update I didn't want to blog about.

I am going to the doctor tomorrow. Last week I was diagnosed with a prolapsed uterus. Basically, this means that my uterus is falling. Not fun for me. I have an appointment with a consult gyn about a partial hysterectomy tomorrow. I hate that it's going to happen however, I would like to have some relief. We had to cancel our cruise and I don't have enough vacation and sick time but my supervisor was nice about it and said to do what I need to do.

My Darrell on the other hand has been taking care of me. Tonight he cooked dinner. Spaghetti and meatballs. They rocked. He is a great cook and provider. I am so blessed to have him.

OK, enough for now.


Gioietta said...

Oh, Renee', Renee...I can't imagine! I am so sorry. Sorry doesn't even seem the right thing to say. I just sent you a pm thru hp but I didn't know. I wish I could give you a hug, and come help you, and just let you vent. I am thinking of you and praying for you. love always, Miriam

Anonymous said...

i am so sorry about your health issues!:( i will be praying!

andrea *hp