Sunday, November 4, 2007

Pain meds of choice.....

Are NOT morphine! They gave me morphine after my surgery. I had heard that it had some itchy side effects but I was not prepared for the feelings that I had. I woke up to feeling that bugs were all over my skin. I could not scratch my back or my legs. I had to scratch and coulden't. Darrell was so sweet and scratched until my skin was almost raw.

I stopped the pain medicine pretty quick but then the dr. came in the next day and said that he could give me a different medicine through my IV. I told him that would be great. That worked for the next 24ish hours but then my IV collapsed. Since it took 3 times before they could get my IV in this was not possible.

When I first got to the hospital they attempted to start my IV. It failed. They started another one. It failed. I went to surgery where she numbed my hand and then gave me a little IV (butterfly) which worked. When I woke up I had an IV in both hands. They were keeping one as an extra. It ended up collapsing the next day and then it had to be taken out. All in all, I finally was able to get rid of the IV's.

So, lesson learned...Renee has jumpy veins (which I already knew). FUN!

Today so far has been a little better. I have been able to get up on my own from the bed and couch. I pay for it later on but its nice to be able to get up on my own and do something for myself for a change.

Carol is making chicken spaghetti today for lunch! YUMMY! I love chicken spaghetti. I am so glad that she came to hang out with me. I have been sore and bored so she has been good to keep my mind off my pain. Darrell is at church and me, I am just going to chill on the couch. lol!

1 comment:

Erin said...

Keep taking it easy, Renee! Glad to hear you are getting up and about some now. You remain in my prayers!