Thursday, August 2, 2007

I caved....

and bought a cute pink binder from Wal-Mart. Do you know how hard it was to make a decision???? I had about 3 to pick from but at almost $4 a binder, I really only could justify purchasing 1 for my social work exam prep. Speaking of that, I paid $175 today to take an exam to complete my licenseure as a Arkansas Social Worker. I am going to have to continue to study for this thing because I can only take it one time for that price. If I fail, I have to pay another $175 so I just can't afford to fail.

Kudos to my wonderful husband who brought me a Cherry Vanilla Diet DP today from Sonic. I love Diet DP and it brightened my day. I am so thankful for a husband like Darrell who spoils me because he loves me. He's my everything!

Now....I just need to find some more things to go into binders. I shall keep working on it!

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